What is Robotic Enterprise Framework (RE Framework) Architecture?

 What is Robotic Enterprise Framework (RE Framework) Architecture?

RE Framework is a template that is used to create automation workflow in a modular approach for large scale deployments. Robotic Enterprise Framework is a project template based on State Machines. It is created to fit all of the best practices regarding logging, exception handling, application initialization, and others, being ready to tackle a complex business scenario.

Re-Framework is a template, which provides all the required basic needs of any process Automation, like reading and storing the Config data, initializes the applications, which are being used in the process, gets the transactions, and process them, re-try the transactions if it’s required and logging the status of all processed transactions, Failed or successful and close all the applications. It helps developers to build processes Quicker, robust, and apply the best practices. It has many features: proper Exception Handling, Recovery abilities, Effective logging, Reusability.


 Robotic Enterprise Framework (RE Framework) State

1.   Init State

2.   Get Transaction State

3.   Process Transaction State

4.   End Process State


1.    Init State

Init is the first state that is used to initialize the required applications and reads the initial project configuration and stocking the config data in a dictionary, kill the applications, which are not required, and open the necessary applications.

Once all the configuration is read and the application is in initialized and it’s successful, the transaction goes to the next state that is the Get Transaction State.

If there are any errors occurred while initializing the applications or the data stored in the Config file is wrong, then we can send the Exception warning message from Init State and stop the process.


2.   Get Transaction State

Get Transaction data State is the data extraction method right after the Init state. It is used to fetch the transaction item from Queue, Database, Data Table, Folder. The Get Transaction State have two possibilities. If a new process is retrieved, then it goes to next state that is Process Transaction State, else if all the transaction are processed then it goes to the End Process State.


3.   Process Transaction State

It is Used to Process the transactions that are fetched from getting Transaction Data State. There are three outcomes that can come that is either the success state, business transaction and the system error. The success state is where the loop is performed, and the next transactional data is considered.

·      The Business Rule Exception occurs, when a specific action is performed after which the execution state goes back to the Get Transaction Data state.

·      The System Error transaction is used to take all the necessary steps through an error. So, in this transaction, all the application are closed, and the execution loops back to the Init State.


4.   End Process State

End Process State is the final state in which the transactions enter, after all of them are executed. Once all the transactions are completed successfully, then Robot goes to the End state process, close all the applications kill the applications and ends the process.



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